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Spells for banishing

To combat the negative emotional and mental attitude, it is very important the cooperation of the people surrounding the depressed person, transmitting energy and good vibes. In addition to this direct support, you can work from home to pray for their healing, through the sending of mental energy.

Materials * 1 blue candle

In the afternoon, at dusk and for six days, you must light a blue candle with the engraved name of the person you are doing the ritual for. First, you proceed to anoint the candle. Now take the candle with your right hand and firmly think of the person you want to help. Light it and while holding it, say a prayer to keep away the depression from the soul and mind. The prayer can be as follows.

Lord, look at (name of person) with pity, who is ill and needs to be healed, in the body and spirit. Comfort (him or her) with your power to lift (him or her) mood and so (him or her) can overcome all afflictions. You, who lives and reigns forever and ever, Amen.

Then leave the candle on a holder to burn out completely. This spell can also be done by the person who is suffering from depression and the prayer would be the same but in first person.
During the third night of the waning moon, clean a table with water and vinegar and placed in its center, a round mirror that must be lying on it. Surround it with a circle of salt. Sprinkle over it, three pinches of salt. Then you must place three white candles, which you should have previously anointed (see anointing of candles), surrounding the circle of the mirror so as to form the shape of a triangle. Sprinkle on each of the candles, one pinch of salt and light them. Let them burn out completely and remove everything, and throw the salt away in a stream or down drain.
If you feel that luck is not on your side, make the following talisman and keep it with you.

On a full moon night, put seven teaspoons of sea salt approximately 1 cm apart from each other in a horizontal straight line on a flat surface.

Starting from the left, you must go by adding: to the first, third, fifth and seventh teaspoon, a pinch of sandalwood powder; to the second, fourth and sixth teaspoon, a grain of incense. Leave overnight and the next morning put it all together in a small polyethylene bag. In a lilac colored bag. This talisman must always be carried with you.
Take a small glass transparent bottle and put inside, three pins, three pieces of male rue roots, a handful of coarse salt and half a lemon peel. Cover with a cork.

Place the bottle on a window and leave it there, without moving it to any other place, and the curses will never reach you.
Gather the dried rue leaves, place them in a mortar and reduce it to powder, then mix with a little sulfur (powdered) and myrrh. Smudge with the mix, where you think there are negative vibes.

When finished with the rooms, take a container that is not used for food and make an infusion of rue leaves with three male rue leaves, let cool and place the liquid into a vaporizer, then spray your clothing.
Gather the dried rue leaves, place them in a mortar and reduce it to powder, then mix with a little sulfur (powdered) and myrrh. Smudge with the mix, where you think there are negative vibes.

When finished with the rooms, take a container that is not used for food and make an infusion of rue leaves with three male rue leaves, let cool and place the liquid into a vaporizer, then spray your clothing.

Banishing spells

Banishing spells are magical acts that aim to ward off negative vibes from people and/or spirits around you that may be causing conflicts in your life.

The banishing spells are also to isolate people from your side and that by common means such as by discussion, it has not been possible. In many cases, the spells are used to end complicated relationships that involve people with offensive or depressive personalities and that are dangerous for those involved.

In the section of banishing spells, you can find spells to ward off your enemies, depression, evil spirits, curses and bad luck, among others.

You should be warned that the magical world is governed by the rule of three, where all you do comes back to you, good or bad and to believe firmly in the success of the spell, which is essential for the spell to be effective.


Daily HoroscopeMonday, March 31, 2025

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