The High Priest (Present as a couple)
The card of the High Priest, on loving topics, tells us about a very strong, paternal and very warm love. It is also a card that tells us that the relationships we have are well built and that both are looking for a way to go making them stronger based on affection, trust and dialogue.
For singles, this card tells us that love will soon come into our lives. But, for this, we must be prepared to assume the role that we have. That is why we must begin to reflect on the life we want and compare it with the one we lead, so that we can see what it is that we must change so that this stable relationship that we seek so much reaches our lives.
The Moon (Relationships as a couple)
The Moon card tells us about good times in intimacy and a lot of attraction and passion. Romanticism is present in the life of the client, but this is not the only thing that relationships should have to go well. Moon card tells us that we are basing the relationship on intimacy and that it is completely empty in terms of communication, dialogue and feelings, which will lead to a breakup if things do not change.
In the case of singles, the card from the Moon tells us that they like their relationships, but that they are not enough for them. There is a special need to have more stable relationships in the client and this is something that sporadic relationships cannot offer. In addition, there is a large component of suffering associated with this card, so it is possible that it ends up breaking a heart or breaking yours.
Death (Future as a couple)
As for the future, the card itself is positive whenever we seek new horizons and goals. It is a card that has the negative component that this relationship we have is going to end, something that can hurt us and that may not However, we must bear in mind that when one thing ends there is always another that begins, so in the future, a new partner may be what works best for us.
Destiny is the one that chooses these changes in our life and, therefore, there is nothing that the client can do in order to change this process. The changes will come and it is a lesson to be learned and a situation to be overcome.