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Meaning of dreams

SMeaning of dreams


Meaning of dreams

According to Stephorn Kaplan Williams a dream is a manifestation of images (and sometimes sounds) showing common and uncommon interactions. It is a mirror that reflects some aspect of life or the unconscious, a scenario to test possibilities of external expression, a window of opportunity for self-knowledge.

Dreams lead us to mysterious worlds, with environments and rare characters that we would never experience being awake; they are unique and belong only to the person who dreams them, so the connection is only with the reality of the dreamer and if you know the meaning of your dreams, you will have more conscience of the real you. Remember that while dreaming, the mind and body unite.

Every detail in a dream is significant and should be considered when analyzing them. For example, each character, animal, object, place, feeling, color or numbers.In our free dictionary of dreams, you can find the interpretation of all kinds of dreamt situations.


Daily HoroscopeWednesday, March 12, 2025

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