Kinds of Horoscopes in the World

Around the world, we find a huge variety of cultures inside which a different meaning is given to a lot of issues of life and that, besides, these issues are being transmitted from generation to generation; the horoscopes have an interpretation according to the astrological signs that are influenced by their religious believes.


Get to know the different kinds of Horoscopes

–          Alchemist horoscope: It has 10 signs based on names of the elements of the periodic table.

–          Arabic Horoscope: It has 12 signs with medieval arm names.

–          Aztec Horoscope: It has 12 signs with names of trees.

–          Chinese Horoscope: It has also 12 signs but with Chinese animal names.

–          Druid Horoscope: It has 13 signs and all of them have tree names.

–          Gypsy Horoscope: It is divided into 12 signs that are represented through different objects that are used in our daily life.

–          Hindu Horoscope: It has 12 signs which are known as «Rashis».

–          Indian Horoscope: It is divided into 12 signs with the names of native animals of the area.

–          Maya Horoscope. It has 13 signs that are represented with animals of their culture.

–          West Horoscope. It has 12 signs that are also with the names of the planets and the stars.

–          Orisha Horoscope: It is divided into 12 signs with the names of the goodness of nature.

–          Wuykü Horoscope: Unlike the rest of the signs, this is divided into 4 main signs that are represented by the names of the animals that are identified as sacred by Buddhists.