The Priestess Card

What is sought with this card is to get away from the occult and superficiality. Similarly, it could indicate that some objectives may unexpectedly come into someone's life, especially if they are goals related to the aspect of love.
It also represents that it is very valid to rely on the perception and that there could be dreams that are revealing.
If the card appears in the upright position, it represents wisdom, intelligence, solving perception, memory, inspiration, great wealth of ideals.
If the card is inverted, it could indicate a lack of incentives, passivity, delays due to lack of initiative.
When this card appears next to the Hierophant card, this indicates that the querent will be in a relationship that will last a long time and if it the card appears next to the devil card, it means you do not have the ability to develop the feminine side.
The key words of this card are: knowledge, subconscious, clairvoyance, femininity and laws of the universe.
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