Death Card

In matters of love, it could mean pain, changes and an end to a relationship. It also means renewal, change and the start of a new period in life. It does not mean death itself.
If the card appears in its upright position, it indicates renewal in every area of life, failure; things that are desired but that will not be obtained, loss of employment, resignation.
If the card is inverted, it indicates that the person requesting the tarot consultation has signs of depression, moodiness and pessimism.
It can also mean that there is a wait for a job that has not arrived and that a situation could have ended badly, with much pain involved.
When the death card appears next to the wheel of fortune, it signifies inheritance and if it appears between the hanged man and the star cards, be careful because it could mean that there may be danger in water.
The key words of this card are: loss, change, evolution, cleanliness and rebirth.
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